Let's recap the streaming services that allow you to watch FOX without cable.
What is the cheapest way to watch FOX?
The most cost-efficient way to watch FOX content is to get a subscription to Tubi for $0/month.
How to get a free trial to FOX?
You can get a limited time free trial to FOX by subscribing to DirecTV Stream MySports, DirecTV Stream, Fubo, Hulu with Live TV, DirecTV Stream MyNews, YouTube TV, Fubo Elite with Sports Plus, DirecTV Stream Ultimate, or DirecTV Stream Premier.
Read more: 9 Best Services to Get a FOX Free Trial >How to watch FOX for free?
Unfortunately there are no streaming services that offer FOX completely for free. That said, as we mentioned above you can get it for free for a limited time by subscribing to a service with a free trial. Here they are, this time ranked by which one offers the longest free trial:
- YouTube TV (7 days free)
- Fubo Elite with Sports Plus (7 days free)
- Fubo (7 days free)
- DirecTV Stream Ultimate (5 days free)
- DirecTV Stream Premier (5 days free)
- DirecTV Stream MySports (5 days free)
- DirecTV Stream MyNews (5 days free)
- DirecTV Stream (5 days free)
- Hulu with Live TV (3 days free)
How to get a FOX live stream?
The platforms that will get you a FOX live stream right now are: Sling Blue, DirecTV Stream MySports, DirecTV Stream, Sling Orange + Blue, Fubo, Hulu with Live TV, DirecTV Stream MyNews, YouTube TV, Fubo Elite with Sports Plus, DirecTV Stream Ultimate, Tablo TV, or DirecTV Stream Premier.
How to watch FOX outside the US?
You can watch FOX abroad by combining NordVPN and one of the streaming services above like Sling Blue, DirecTV Stream, Hulu with Live TV, or YouTube TV.
How to watch FOX on Roku?
You can watch FOX on your Roku device by subscribing to Sling Blue, DirecTV Stream, Sling Orange + Blue, Fubo, Hulu with Live TV, Tubi, YouTube TV, Fubo Elite with Sports Plus, DirecTV Stream Ultimate, Tablo TV, or DirecTV Stream Premier.
How to watch FOX on an Amazon Fire TV?
FOX can be accessed on an Amazon Fire TV device by subscribing to Sling Blue, DirecTV Stream MySports, DirecTV Stream, Sling Orange + Blue, Fubo, Hulu with Live TV, Tubi, YouTube TV, Fubo Elite with Sports Plus, DirecTV Stream Ultimate, Tablo TV, or DirecTV Stream Premier.
How to watch FOX on an Apple TV device?
The streaming services that include FOX and are available on Apple TV are Sling Blue, DirecTV Stream MySports, DirecTV Stream, Sling Orange + Blue, Fubo, Hulu with Live TV, Tubi, YouTube TV, Fubo Elite with Sports Plus, DirecTV Stream Ultimate, Tablo TV, and DirecTV Stream Premier.
How to watch FOX on a computer?
On a web browser head to the websites of Sling Blue, DirecTV Stream, Sling Orange + Blue, Fubo, Hulu with Live TV, Tubi, YouTube TV, Fubo Elite with Sports Plus, DirecTV Stream Ultimate, Tablo TV, or DirecTV Stream Premier to start watching FOX.
How to watch FOX on iOS (iPhone or iPad)?
You can watch FOX on an iPhone or iPad by subscribing to Sling Blue, DirecTV Stream MySports, DirecTV Stream, Sling Orange + Blue, Fubo, Hulu with Live TV, Tubi, YouTube TV, Fubo Elite with Sports Plus, DirecTV Stream Ultimate, Tablo TV, or DirecTV Stream Premier.
How to watch FOX on an Android phone?
You can watch FOX on an Android device such as Samsung or Google Pixel by subscribing to Sling Blue, DirecTV Stream, Sling Orange + Blue, Fubo, Hulu with Live TV, Tubi, YouTube TV, Fubo Elite with Sports Plus, DirecTV Stream Ultimate, Tablo TV, or DirecTV Stream Premier.
How to watch FOX on an Android TV?
You can watch FOX on a Smart TV that runs on Android by getting a subscription to Sling Blue, DirecTV Stream MySports, DirecTV Stream, Sling Orange + Blue, Fubo, Hulu with Live TV, Tubi, YouTube TV, Fubo Elite with Sports Plus, DirecTV Stream Ultimate, Tablo TV, or DirecTV Stream Premier.
How to watch FOX on an Xbox?
You can watch FOX on an Xbox console through Sling Blue, Sling Orange + Blue, Hulu with Live TV, or YouTube TV.
How to pay for a FOX subscription with Paypal?
The services that accept Paypal and carry FOX are: Sling Blue, DirecTV Stream, Sling Orange + Blue, Hulu with Live TV, YouTube TV, DirecTV Stream Ultimate, and DirecTV Stream Premier.
How to pay for a FOX subscription with Apple Pay?
The services that accept Paypal and carry FOX are: Sling Blue, and Sling Orange + Blue.
How to pay for a FOX subscription with Google Pay?
The services that accept Paypal and carry FOX are: Sling Blue, Sling Orange + Blue, and YouTube TV.